Tuesday, November 08, 2005

People celebrates "CHATT PUJA" in North India

People in the northern part of india especially Bihar, Jharkhand,Uttar Pradesh and those lives in surrounding, celebrates "Chatt puja",
In this festival people pray for "Lord Sun" and "Chatti Maiya"
this festival takes of 3 days full of sprituality, in which the devotee has to go for "fasting" of three day
In first day known as "Nahay Khay" in which devotee eats only vegtarian meal prepared with "Pumpkin" and "Rice".
In second day known as "Kharna" in which people pray for "chatti Maiya" and prepare holy food contains with "milk, rice and jaggery".
in third day people visit any of the river side while sunset and pray for "Lord Sun"
and again visited second time at early in the morning before sunrise to pray, thats come to end of this festival.